Russian Special Operation Forces – Everything new is actually well-forgotten old
( Irakli Komaxidze, Translated and edited by Victoria Field)
In connection with the recent events in Ukraine there is a question: Who carries on subversive activities under cover of the separatists.
It is very clear that it is Russia. But let’s go deeper:
In the beginning of 2013 the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces announced the Special Operation Forces (SOF). These are classified as highly trained and equipped mobile forces for accomplishing a variety of tasks abroad, as well as within the country using special methods.
What is SOF? This is reborn Spetsnaz of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) with due consideration of the new realities and challenges set for it.
Historically, Spetsnaz (GRU) was organized during the Cold war. Originally Spetsnaz (GRU) had strategic and operational-strategic tasks. This include committing acts of sabotage on the territory of other countries or in the rear of the enemy; the special intelligence operations; the counter-sabotage and counter-guerrilla operations, as well as the organization of the partisan movement behind enemy lines. In particular, one of the main tasks was the elimination of enemy nuclear weapons systems.
The post-Soviet period was a very painful stage for Spetsnaz GRU. It had previously been used for a strategic purpose. After the Afghan war and the Caucasus campaigns Special Forces were ‘retrained’ into a counter-terrorism force with tactical and operational-tactical level.
In the past two decades the world conflicts have shown that the methods of previous wars do not work under new circumstances. Taking into account that goal of Putin’s Russia is to restore its former influence of the time of USSR; the Russians have needed something new or well-forgotten old.
The Russian Federation also received a good lesson during the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 when Spetsnaz Gru was used to carry out military operations, without being able to operate in the rear of the Georgian troops, destroying artillery and air defence, especially not able to fight as partisans.
Russia has digested this lesson, and immediately after the war of August 2008 the General Staff embarked on the reform of Spetsnaz. There were several attempts to subordinate the Spetsnaz Brigades by different departments. Including retrofitting, re-equipping, and the use of contract soldiers. In the South of Russia there are the 10th and the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigades.
In addition the Spetsnaz brigades being brought back to life, new battle units were urgently formed. In the South of Russia the 100th Experimental Intelligence Brigade, the 25th Spetsnaz Regiment and 346th Spetsnaz Brigade were formed. The last two were expressly formed for the Sochi Olympic Games.
During this time the Special Forces Support centre was established in Kubinka town in Odintsovsky District of Moscow. The new Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Department of Defence took over this centre. For special operations abroad there is the “Senezh” subordinate to the General Staff, which has about 500 troops and is staffed exclusively by officers and praporschiks (warrant officers). The Command SOF can use other forces too, including the Special Forces Brigade GRU, the Airborne Troops, the Naval Infantry. Inside the country the Internal Military Forces, the FSB units and the “Jail Spetsnaz” cooperate on the special operations.
During the events in the Crimea it was clearly shown that the Spetsnaz GRU did most of the work for the beleaguering and capturing of Ukrainian military targets. The Intelligence units of the 10th and the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigades came from the South of Russia. Their command was shared by the Russian General staff and the Commanders SOF.
The same forces of Spetsnaz from the Crimea are operating today in the South-East of Ukraine. The officers of SOF are engaged in the organisation and coordination of the "separatists" with cover provided by the Intelligence units of the Spetsnaz Brigades.
How can this many-armed force be opposed? To begin counter-intelligence activities should be reinforced by the Security Services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ukrainian Army Special Forces. Identify the spymaster groups and their accomplices, and destroy them on the spot. Prisoners should be interrogated in the required way; their video confessions should be broadcast in the mass media with all relevant evidence and facts. These operations must be provided with the support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which should guard the border and prevent the penetration of enemy forces by land, sea and air. This is a war...
Irakli Komaxidze
May 02
Russian version April, 15. Русская версия от 15 апреля
Photo: Actual Please repost ! Актуально Пожалуйста репост ! მაქსიმალური რეპოსტი ! Russian Special Operation Forces – Everything new is actually well-forgotten old ( Irakli Komaxidze, Translated and edited by Victoria Field) In connection with the recent events in Ukraine there is a question: Who carries on subversive activities under cover of the separatists. It is very clear that it is Russia. But let’s go deeper: In the beginning of 2013 the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces announced the Special Operation Forces (SOF). These are classified as highly trained and equipped mobile forces for accomplishing a variety of tasks abroad, as well as within the country using special methods. What is SOF? This is reborn Spetsnaz of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) with due consideration of the new realities and challenges set for it. Historically, Spetsnaz (GRU) was organized during the Cold war. Originally Spetsnaz (GRU) had strategic and operational-strategic tasks. This include committing acts of sabotage on the territory of other countries or in the rear of the enemy; the special intelligence operations; the counter-sabotage and counter-guerrilla operations, as well as the organization of the partisan movement behind enemy lines. In particular, one of the main tasks was the elimination of enemy nuclear weapons systems. The post-Soviet period was a very painful stage for Spetsnaz GRU. It had previously been used for a strategic purpose. After the Afghan war and the Caucasus campaigns Special Forces were ‘retrained’ into a counter-terrorism force with tactical and operational-tactical level. In the past two decades the world conflicts have shown that the methods of previous wars do not work under new circumstances. Taking into account that goal of Putin’s Russia is to restore its former influence of the time of USSR; the Russians have needed something new or well-forgotten old. The Russian Federation also received a good lesson during the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 when Spetsnaz Gru was used to carry out military operations, without being able to operate in the rear of the Georgian troops, destroying artillery and air defence, especially not able to fight as partisans. Russia has digested this lesson, and immediately after the war of August 2008 the General Staff embarked on the reform of Spetsnaz. There were several attempts to subordinate the Spetsnaz Brigades by different departments. Including retrofitting, re-equipping, and the use of contract soldiers. In the South of Russia there are the 10th and the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigades. In addition the Spetsnaz brigades being brought back to life, new battle units were urgently formed. In the South of Russia the 100th Experimental Intelligence Brigade, the 25th Spetsnaz Regiment and 346th Spetsnaz Brigade were formed. The last two were expressly formed for the Sochi Olympic Games. During this time the Special Forces Support centre was established in Kubinka town in Odintsovsky District of Moscow. The new Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Department of Defence took over this centre. For special operations abroad there is the “Senezh” subordinate to the General Staff, which has about 500 troops and is staffed exclusively by officers and praporschiks (warrant officers). The Command SOF can use other forces too, including the Special Forces Brigade GRU, the Airborne Troops, the Naval Infantry. Inside the country the Internal Military Forces, the FSB units and the “Jail Spetsnaz” cooperate on the special operations. During the events in the Crimea it was clearly shown that the Spetsnaz GRU did most of the work for the beleaguering and capturing of Ukrainian military targets. The Intelligence units of the 10th and the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigades came from the South of Russia. Their command was shared by the Russian General staff and the Commanders SOF. The same forces of Spetsnaz from the Crimea are operating today in the South-East of Ukraine. The officers of SOF are engaged in the organisation and coordination of the "separatists" with cover provided by the Intelligence units of the Spetsnaz Brigades. How can this many-armed force be opposed? To begin counter-intelligence activities should be reinforced by the Security Services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ukrainian Army Special Forces. Identify the spymaster groups and their accomplices, and destroy them on the spot. Prisoners should be interrogated in the required way; their video confessions should be broadcast in the mass media with all relevant evidence and facts. These operations must be provided with the support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which should guard the border and prevent the penetration of enemy forces by land, sea and air. This is a war... Irakli Komaxidze May 02 Russian version April, 15. Русская версия от 15 апреля https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=571200009659916&set=a.180156782097576.38431.100003097650047&type=1&relevant_count=1
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Irakli Komaxidze Russian version April, 15. Русская версия от 15 апреля
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Российские Силы специальных операций - всё новое это хорошо забытое старое.
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By: Irakli Komaxidze
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Giorgi Cyxymu Jakhaia
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Irakli Komaxidze
42 minutes ago
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Сейчас готовлю к опубликованию актуальную статью которую помогла перевести на английский наш друг Victoria Field, под заголовком: Russian Special Operation Forces – Everything new is actually well-forgotten old
(Российские Силы специальных операций - всё новое это хорошо забытое старое, в русской версии мой пост от 15 апреля).
Приготовьтесь к максимальному перепосту для англоязычных друзей и читателей, пусть все знают с какими силами ведёт борьбу Украина !
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Veta Gelsinger Ждем! Спасибо Вам, Иракли за все, что Вы делаете!
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Irakli Komaxidze
3 hours ago
Затишье ... перед бурей ????? Информации по ситуации на Юго-Востоке Украины очень мало, она за частую противоречивая, Дминрий Тымчук то же пока молчит, ждёмс ...
Сейчас самое главное что бы киевские правители не дали бы задний ход ...
В ко... See More
Photo: Затишье ... перед бурей ????? Информации по ситуации на Юго-Востоке Украины очень мало, она за частую противоречивая, Дминрий Тымчук то же пока молчит, ждёмс ... Сейчас самое главное что бы киевские правители не дали бы задний ход ... В комменты кидаю последние резонансные новости и информацию заслуживающую доверие, если у кого что то свежее пожалуйста кидайте и вы. Фото тематическое, из альбома предоставленного френдом из Литвы
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Henra Niki znacet , ja zivu v luganske i znajiu toka sto vi nexatite znat,.,.,
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Rikardo Shlekini Ребята, да мож хватит уже хуйню гнать? Люди тут не этого ждут.
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Henra Niki uze davno netu temy((((()))))))))))))))))))))
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Irakli Komaxidze
9 hours ago · Edited
Друзья, сегодня я отсебятины писать не буду, нет более важных и актуальных новостей, чем события на Юго-Востоке, в эти дни решается судьба Украины и я полностью сконцентрирован на новостях ...
Всем доброго дня и хороших новостей
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Scoba Oksana Путинской ,жириновской ,кисилевской ,глузманской ,соловьевской.....И главное широкий ассортимент без какой-либо внутренней конкуренции.
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Irakli Komaxidze
18 mins
Actual Please repost ! Актуально Пожалуйста репост ! მაქსიმალური რეპოსტი !
Russian Special Operation Forces – Everything new is actually well-forgotten old
( Irakli Komaxidze, Translated and edited by Victoria Field)
In connection with the recent events in Ukraine there is a question: Who carries on subversive activities under cover of the separatists.
It is very clear that it is Russia. But let’s go deeper:
In the beginning of 2013 the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces announced the Special Operation Forces (SOF). These are classified as highly trained and equipped mobile forces for accomplishing a variety of tasks abroad, as well as within the country using special methods.
What is SOF? This is reborn Spetsnaz of the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) with due consideration of the new realities and challenges set for it.
Historically, Spetsnaz (GRU) was organized during the Cold war. Originally Spetsnaz (GRU) had strategic and operational-strategic tasks. This include committing acts of sabotage on the territory of other countries or in the rear of the enemy; the special intelligence operations; the counter-sabotage and counter-guerrilla operations, as well as the organization of the partisan movement behind enemy lines. In particular, one of the main tasks was the elimination of enemy nuclear weapons systems.
The post-Soviet period was a very painful stage for Spetsnaz GRU. It had previously been used for a strategic purpose. After the Afghan war and the Caucasus campaigns Special Forces were ‘retrained’ into a counter-terrorism force with tactical and operational-tactical level.
In the past two decades the world conflicts have shown that the methods of previous wars do not work under new circumstances. Taking into account that goal of Putin’s Russia is to restore its former influence of the time of USSR; the Russians have needed something new or well-forgotten old.
The Russian Federation also received a good lesson during the Russian-Georgian war in August 2008 when Spetsnaz Gru was used to carry out military operations, without being able to operate in the rear of the Georgian troops, destroying artillery and air defence, especially not able to fight as partisans.
Russia has digested this lesson, and immediately after the war of August 2008 the General Staff embarked on the reform of Spetsnaz. There were several attempts to subordinate the Spetsnaz Brigades by different departments. Including retrofitting, re-equipping, and the use of contract soldiers. In the South of Russia there are the 10th and the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigades.
In addition the Spetsnaz brigades being brought back to life, new battle units were urgently formed. In the South of Russia the 100th Experimental Intelligence Brigade, the 25th Spetsnaz Regiment and 346th Spetsnaz Brigade were formed. The last two were expressly formed for the Sochi Olympic Games.
During this time the Special Forces Support centre was established in Kubinka town in Odintsovsky District of Moscow. The new Command of the Special Operations Forces of the Department of Defence took over this centre. For special operations abroad there is the “Senezh” subordinate to the General Staff, which has about 500 troops and is staffed exclusively by officers and praporschiks (warrant officers). The Command SOF can use other forces too, including the Special Forces Brigade GRU, the Airborne Troops, the Naval Infantry. Inside the country the Internal Military Forces, the FSB units and the “Jail Spetsnaz” cooperate on the special operations.
During the events in the Crimea it was clearly shown that the Spetsnaz GRU did most of the work for the beleaguering and capturing of Ukrainian military targets. The Intelligence units of the 10th and the 22nd Spetsnaz Brigades came from the South of Russia. Their command was shared by the Russian General staff and the Commanders SOF.
The same forces of Spetsnaz from the Crimea are operating today in the South-East of Ukraine. The officers of SOF are engaged in the organisation and coordination of the "separatists" with cover provided by the Intelligence units of the Spetsnaz Brigades.
How can this many-armed force be opposed? To begin counter-intelligence activities should be reinforced by the Security Services, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ukrainian Army Special Forces. Identify the spymaster groups and their accomplices, and destroy them on the spot. Prisoners should be interrogated in the required way; their video confessions should be broadcast in the mass media with all relevant evidence and facts. These operations must be provided with the support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which should guard the border and prevent the penetration of enemy forces by land, sea and air. This is a war...
Irakli Komaxidze
May 02
Russian version April, 15. Русская версия от 15 апреля
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Irakli Komaxidze Russian version April, 15. Русская версия от 15 апреля
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Российские Силы специальных операций - всё новое это хорошо забытое старое.
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By: Irakli Komaxidze
15 mins · Like
Giorgi Cyxymu Jakhaia
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